When the weather changes “out there”, it gives us an opportunity to see what’s going on with the weather inside ourselves. Nature has a powerful job each season, but it doesn't worry or hurry, and like a well-oiled machine, everything is accomplished.
We can take our cues from this synchronicity as it closely resembles our own human growth: As we awaken with excitement and come out of the darkness of Winter, the blossoms of Spring signal that new life is emerging. We become fully alive in Summer with more activity in the fiery heat of longer days, absorbing the nutrients we need from the Sun to grow and expand.
As Fall approaches, we rush to take advantage of the final warm days, then prepare for what’s next. The tree’s leaves burst into bright colors, in its fullest expression, then drop away, shedding what’s not needed anymore to continue the circle of life.
Winter brings bare branches, so its roots may take in more nourishment, process the mulch and compost delivered by the fallen leaves of Fall to extend deeper and stronger to weather the harsh storms.