The practice of yoga is a 5,000-year-old practice originating in India. Yoga in Sanskrit means the yoke connecting the mind. body, and soul. The elements of yoga are called the Eight Limbs of Yoga where yogis learn the principles of living a more present life.
They are the:
YAMAS – Restraints, moral disciplines or moral vows.
NIYAMAS – Positive duties or observances.
ASANA – Yoga postures.
PRANAYAMA – Breathing techniques.
PRATYAHARA – Sense withdrawal.
DHARANA – Focused concentration.
DHYANA – Meditative absorption.
SAMADHI – Bliss or enlightenment.
Many people come to yoga first through the physical practice. Each pose has a specific purpose in the body and mind that creates tension and releases as you move through a yoga practice. That's why you see people coming out of a yoga studio looking refreshed and with less tension in their bodies as toxin build-up has been released. This then enables people to have more focus and a better ability to meditate without distractions.
At Mukha Yoga we have bought together articles and guided meditations for you to explore and learn more about the practice of yoga. Enjoy!