Clear is Kind. Unclear is unkind.
It’s simple but transformative: Clear is kind. Unclear is unkind... most of us avoid clarity because we tell ourselves that we’re being kind, when what we’re actually doing is being unkind.
My 6 Favorite Yoga Books
Through my yoga practice, I’ve read many books about yoga. Books about the history of yoga, the many styles of yoga, meditation, anatomy, medicine, healing, breath, the heart, the soul. What follows is a list of the books that were most helpful and illuminating to me.
Symbol Series: Lotus Flower
Not only is the lotus flower beautiful, with its pink or white petals, the flower has great, even sacred, significance across many cultures. A prevalent symbol in modern-day yogi culture, the lotus was used as food, medicine, and as spiritual representation in multiple belief systems
Learning from Changing Seasons | with a singing bowls meditation
When the weather changes “out there”, it gives us an opportunity to see what’s going on with the weather inside ourselves.